Monday, 30 January 2012


this is the magazine front cover that i have designed for my magazine. the reasons that i have chosen within my front cover are as follows: for instance i had to take into account the genre of my magazine and i had to make sure that each feature/prop/costume/makeup and colours fit in with my magazine genre. the reason why i chose this pose was because i have looked into magazines and this is a common pose and is a one that is recommended in this industry as it could draw in the readers and catch their attention and keep them intrigued. my colour scheme as you can tell from the fonts etc is red and black and these colours and non gender specific and red is a common colour is magazines but black isn't so it looks different and this is my aim as i want it to be different to other magazines. i put in each feature of the expected magazine such as barcodes so that the item can be bought, sell lines, main image, masthead, banners and skylines.

before designing my contents page i looked into magazines that were already out so i knew what it needed to look like however i needed to make sure that it wasn't going to be the same so i had to use ideas of my own. i decided to use a three column contents page and the reason for this is because i think that it looks more professional and there aren't many magazines which follow this layout in their contents so this will make me different. i have decided to use an image on my magazine contents page and to make it look different i decided that i was going to use a album front cover and this will show that i have thought about other things and could show that i have thought about the production process as well, i have still used the same colour scheme and this will make sure  that the readers know that they are still reading the same image. i have decided to write a small paragraph which takes up 2 columns up in my contents page and this will show the readers an insight into the bands profile.

 this is the DPS that i have designed for my magazine and i have decided to use a different model who i think will portray the role perfectly due to her appearance. as shown on my DPS  

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