Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Peer Assessment- of my flatplans

I have recieved feedback from four of my peers in my class based on my initial flat plans that i drew based on what i wanted my magazine to look like. The feedback that i was given shows that there are many improvements that i can do to help me get up to mark band 4 which will boost up my grade to the highest possible.
My peers said that my front cover needs to be improved by making my main image larger and the benefits of this will be that i will have less white on my front cover although they said that this will allow it to look 'fresh', i also got advised to add another image onto my front cover and this is to allow me to have four images in my magazine and this will allow me to test my camera angles and this image will be of a different person by having the image on the front cover it allows the readers to get a more broad understanding of the genre of my magazine. I need to make it more clear on my front cover of what my colour scheme is as i have more colour on it that i initially thought also by having a different colour scheme it could allow the readers to think that they were reading a different magazine.
The contents page has a good layout but i have been advised to give a little more room for the image as it will show that the image is just as important as the text as one of the pages will be about the image also this will break up the page.
The only criticism i have been given about my DPS is that i need to include some colour for the background as the pages i have created have all had a white background and by adding colour it will give the magazine abit of flavour, the colour i am thinking of using is a grey/blaxk background and the reason for this is that it will give the artist attitude and will show the reader that i can do more than one style.
To get my work upto mark band 4 A/B i will need to make it more clear what my genre is and in this case it is 'general' i can make it more obvious by adding certain colours, different font type or even a different pose/make up for the model's. I will also need to make sure that i am sticking to the same page layout when i am including columns as i need to keep it similar so that it follows the house style and so it looks professional, the sizes of my fonts need to be the same in some cases and this is always going to be the case for my masthead as this is what determines my magazine as it shows that its a different magazine. I also will need to make sure that i am using layering correctly on my front cover as i will need to make sure that the image is large but has sell lines that slightly go over it so that the text can be seen. I need to make sure that i include a variety of camera shots/angles and by doing this it will show that i am capable of photography.

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