Thursday, 13 October 2011

print prelim product and evaluation

In my magazine front cover and contents page i have used many items to help promote it for instance i have used a medium close up image and this is to show the customers what i am aiming the magazine at also it is the correct size as it is of a similar pose to many celebs on the front covers, i decided on what pose etc so that it fit into my magazine proposal. I have also used a skyline which is located at the top of my magazine and will show the customers what offers come with the magazine. There are also sell lines that have been used and this is what the writing is around the sides. There is also a main sell line that has been used and this is located over the image and shows the customer what mymagazine is about and what it is aiming to tell you.Another thing that i have done is that i have stuck to three colours in my magazine and these are purple and yellow (QE college colours)and also used green as it stands out and catches the attention of the customers.My magazine is similar to other magazines that are already in the media as there are no props used and the lighting is similar this all helps to promote the magazine, the only thing i would change to make it more similar to the media magazines is that i would change the background colour as it is black whichis due to when the image was taken.My magazine cover target market is aimed at the college students of QE and this is obvious as all the sell lines have something to do with college life and getting through these tough years and is aimed at both sexes. I attracted the audience by thinking about what they would want in a magazine for college it was easier to do it about this age group as i fit into the category i also used a basic layout which shows that they wont get too distracted by it.Photoshop, in design, Apple Macs and the photo eqiupmemnt allowed me to get this end result for my magazine although i hadnt used them all before i think that this is a good first attempt.

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