Thursday, 15 September 2011

Flat Plan

FRONT COVER:My front cover of my college magazine is a very basic layout is contain 3 colours and 2 of which are the college colours (yellow and purple) the other is green as it is bright, all of the colours are bright and grab the attention of the readers therefore they will be more likely to purchase the magazine. The target audience for my magazine is students studying in college therefore the age range is 16-18 year olds.The magazine front cover has many items on it containing the MAST HEAD which is NEW! this is a good mast head as it shows that there are many new things happeneing in the college all of which are new, there is also a SKYLINE which shows that there are some subscriptions with this magazine but only if you subscribe to a years worth of it, there is a main image which is the only image present which is of a new freshers student and this image will be of a girl and will be taken inside of a classroom as this is where she will spend most of her timeunderneath this is a main sell line, this links in with the main image and it is relateable, there are also some sell lines which are located around the side these tell you of all of the other stories that are featured all of which are related to by all students as they feature certain things like money, events, music and fashion. At the bottom of the front cover is a barcode, issue number and a price.This magazine is for both genders so all information present can be related to by both genders, the angle of the photot will be shot straight on this way you are catching the appropriate lighting.The font will all be the same and the text will be the same for the sell lines but will be slightly larger for the main sell line.

 CONTENTS PAGE: the colour palette is the same as on the contents page(yellow purple and green) as it is on the front cover this way the reader will stay attracted and will know that it is the same magazine.they layout of the contents page is very simple as it consists of a list of the pages followed by what is featured on that page, the main sell line is going to be more empathised than the others this way the readers will know that it is the main story, By having the contents page split into two sections one of which is the actual page numbers and the other is going to be an image of the first year students this is allowing the reader to have a break from all of the writing, it is good to have the page numbers down, therefore it is easier to skip to a certain page, the contents page isnt going to be as filled with information as the front cover however this is good as people look at the front cover more than the contents page, the text is all going to be of the same font and the colours are going to be the same this way it is seen to be very simple.

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